Tiny Tweeks

Good Morning Everyone! I was up until the wee hours this morning, trying to clean up my phone... um wow, that took FOREVER~😫😱😜 I had like 2000 pictures on my phone and 1300 (from my trip to Nova Scotia) we lost somewhere in limbo between my phone and icloud... which I have never even used before lol, I had to manually transfer them from my phone before I could clear them cause for some reason my computer wasn't picking them up either... SO needless to say it's done, and I'm glad that's over 😀 lol

(Anyone who knew my mom well, lets just say - I could have almost pulled a Brenda 😂😂😂LOL)

While temporarily escaping from my long, frustrating, interaction with icloud, I thought about how many times I, and my whole family sometimes, made tiny tweeks that made big impacts on our habits...

I thought about how sometimes, getting the workout in is almost the easy part...

and how I learnt to take step at a time... if you eat something you werent't planning on eating, don't let it be the end of your record that day, or and excuse, consider it "part" of the day (as we all have to indulge a little sometimes) and move on.

I just make sure to make a better choice next time..

If I'm following a program, I am a little more strict on myself, I think... but it happens - thats life! we just have to move on to the next step... keep going...

I don't think about what I'm going to have tomorrow (unless it's really yummy and I'm buzzin to make it lol) until the night before or morning of...

Every morning when I get up I decide what I'm going to have for breaky, if I didn't decide the night before. I always have my staples in the house - eggs, frozen fruit, oatmeal n cinnamon, and usually yogurt. I'm too all over the place to strictly schedule out my meals before than most of the time... and that's ok with me, I don't fight it cause when I did I found it didn't work for me.

SO.... I changed little things here and there until I found what did work.

Everyone is different and sometimes we have to make some adjustments...

For main meals, I make what we want to eat for the week, and ask the family - who wants to eat what, than make portion sizes depending on that....

sometimes for 1, sometimes for 2,3,4 or more...

(my daughter hates stuffed peppers so she will have something else I have prepped that week for dinner on the night we have peppers.)

Freeze and/or refrigerate it helps.

This works for us, leaves me feeling less restricted and no one is eating things they really don't like and there is always a good option handy...

I also try to make healthy treats with what I'm craving from sweet treats....

Like when I crave the crunch from chips (or maybe the flavor) I make lettuce chips with dressing dip... (yes I do this sometimes 😀)

Or the sweetness, and comfort I seek from mom's old cookies, or chocolate (chocolate PB balls recipe was invented in my kitchen because of this craving)

Cinnamon Raisin Apples, is another recipe created cause I wanted apple pie so bad, but I didn't want everything that came with it..

I own a glass juice jug and a juicer and for the most part don't buy store made juice, and we have a brita water filter in the fridge, water bottles always on hand in the fridge or not, and a water cooler, so the first thing easiest to reach for is water...

Because of this little trick we went from a 4L bag of 1% milk easily 2-3 x a week to a 500ml carton a week.

Tiny Tweeks Make BIG Changes 😉💕


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