Zucchini Soup

Made this awesome recipe at a clients 😁

Our ingredients 👇

1 onion finely chopped
2 garlic cloves minced
1 tbsp butter
1 tbsp olive oil
3-4 med zucchini
3 cups veggie broth
1 can evaporated milk
merlot cheese (small amount for garnish)

In a frying pan, combine onioin, garlic, butter, salt, papper, thyme, and olive oil and allow to cook over low heat until tender but not dark bown

In the mean time - grate zucchini, placing a small amount in a bowl and to the side for garnish
Same with the cheese

When onion and garlic mix is ready add veggie broth and grated zucchini, continue cooking over low/med heat until comes to a gentle boil, remove from heat, transfer to blender, blend until puree, add evaporated milk, blend again, transfer to pan or larger pot to simmer on low until ready

                                                       Garnish each bowl as desired



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